Group exhibitions
120th Anniversary of the John Deere Agriculture Building
Iowa State Fair Foundation, Des Moines, Iowa.
Group Installation (Untitled)
University of Arkansas, Rome Campus, Rome, Italy
University of Arkansas BFA exhibition,
Studio and Design Center, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
World Building, group exhibition
University of Arkansas Foundations
Mount Sequoyah, Fayetteville, Arkansas
36th Texas and Neighbors Regional Art Exhibition, group exhibition
Online Exhibition due to Covid 19
Arkansas Territory Collection, group exhibition
Traveling exhibition throughout Arkansas and Oklahoma in 2019 and 2020
The Modern Youth Identity Exhibition, group exhibition
Student Art Spaces in collaboration with the Seattle Artist League
Seattle, Washington
SHE, group exhibition
M2 Gallery, Little Rock, Arkansas
Cane Hill Historic: Arkansas's Best High School Artists,
group exhibition
The museum gallery at Historic Cane Hill, Cane Hill, Arkansas

Close up of Investigations of Memory (Like a Moth to a Ephraim/Dry Rot to the House of Judah.) Mixed Media. 18x24" 2023.
Solo exhibitions
MUSSEY, solo exhibition
Arsagas' at the Depot, Fayetteville, Arkansas